Terms & Conditions

Terms of Our Services

Our services are governed by specific terms and conditions that permit you to access and use Speakeasy Marketing LLC websites for your business purposes. By accessing our site, you agree to be bound by our terms and conditions, which establish a legal contract with Speakeasy Marketing LLC. If you do not agree to our terms and conditions or do not wish to be legally bound, please do not access our sites.


(A) The terms “you” and “yours” on our site refer to you as a user who accesses, browses, and crawls through our sites. The terms “We,” “Us,” and “Our” refer to Speakeasy Marketing LLC.

(B) All content posted or live on our site, including photos, text, images, videos, audio, location data, and other information related to your business, is published on your behalf and with your consent. We obtain approval from you before displaying any marketing materials publicly on our site, which is referred to as “Your Content,” and you are responsible for its authenticity and liability. This includes all publicly displayed information such as reviews, compliments, ratings, invitations, messages, check-ins, and other information representing your business.

Permission to Use Site:

You are authorized to access our site for your business purposes within the limits of our defined terms. However, please note that when posting any material related to your services on our site, all associated risks, including the risk of exposure to offensive, irrelevant, and questionable content, will be borne by you.

Site Access:

Please note that our site may be modified, updated, or interrupted at any time without prior notice or liability.

Eligibility Criteria:

We reserve the right to block access to our site or your account if you are one of our competitors.

User’s Accounts:

In order to access our site and use its additional features, you must create an account and provide all the necessary information. It is your responsibility to keep your account password confidential, and you are liable for any activity that occurs using your account. If you notice any suspicious activity on your account, please inform us immediately. We reserve the right to terminate your account at any time.

Your account is strictly for personal and non-commercial use only. Therefore, when creating an account, we may require you to provide accurate information about yourself to enhance your credibility. Impersonating someone else, such as using a friend or acquaintance’s identity or email address, is prohibited. Creating multiple accounts is also not permitted.


We do not meddle in or assume liability for any communication or transactions taking place between you and your customers.

Changes to Terms of Services

We understand that change is inevitable, and that applies to our terms and conditions as well. We may make modifications to our terms and conditions periodically. By continuing to use our site, you agree to any changes we make to our terms and conditions and acknowledge the impact they may have on your use of the site. If we make any changes to our terms and conditions, we may inform you via email. Your continued use of our site indicates your acceptance of any changes we make to our terms and conditions and how they may affect the site’s service.

Content Ownership

Any content or marketing material published on our site is approved by you, and once published, it cannot be withdrawn. The content represents your business services and is your property, so it’s essential to ensure that everything you submit is reliable, authentic, and true. We may provide suggestions for your content, videos, audios, and everything else.

However, if your content contains false or objectionable material, you may be exposed to liability.


Regarding your content displayed publicly, you own everything between you and Speakeasy Marketing LLC. In contrast, we own the features, including visual interfaces, graphics, design, user content compilations, reviews, and ratings, among other things. We do not grant you indirect rights access, and all rights to the Site are reserved by us.

Our Rights

We reserve the right to use your content publicly on different platforms and allow other users of this site and other media to use your content. This includes copying, translating, commercializing, and other uses.

Reporting Violations

While we don’t enforce our terms against other users, we encourage you to inform us promptly if you observe any users violating the rules, terms, and conditions.

By using our site, you agree:

  • Follow content guidelines and not post fake information about your business.
  • Respect the rights of third parties, including confidentiality, copyright, trademark, moral rights, privacy, and the right to display content.
  • Not send bulk emails or engage in keyword spamming.
  • Comply with applicable laws and our terms and conditions.
  • Not use any automated means to access, scrape, or index any portion of the site.
  • Not format or frame any part of the site to mimic your business.
  • Not attempt to access restricted areas of the site or other users’ accounts.
  • Not remove, disable, damage, or interfere with any security-related features of the site or features that enforce content limitations.

These guidelines ensure that all users have a safe and reliable experience on our site.

Termination of Contract

You have the right to terminate the contract at any time, but you must give us a written notice of 30 days before discontinuing the use of our services or site.

Upon receiving a notice of termination, we may immediately close or suspend your account. We also reserve the right to limit or prohibit your access to our site without giving you any reason or notice. It is important to note that any such action may prevent you from accessing your content and related materials, whether partially or entirely.

Contract Terms

We do not have a long-term contract to bind you legally. Instead, you may use our services based on a recurring monthly contract. If you sign up for this contract, you have the option to cancel your subscription with a written notice of 30 days.

Intellectual Property

When you sign up for our services, you agree that we retain the rights to any marketing materials we created for you, including landing pages. If you cancel your contract with us, we may take down or deactivate any pages we created for you.

Payment and Refund Policy

Our payment policy for monthly and fixed-price contracts requires upfront payment, unless there is a prior agreement in place. The payment date is either the billing date or the signup date for the project, depending on the terms of the contract.

Once the monthly report of the keywords has been issued, we may charge for the next service month.

It is important to note that as per our policy, all payments made are non-refundable.

Please be aware that all the terms provided by us are for your convenience only.

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